During the 2022 holiday season, Saigon people were introduced to CHILLTA, the Guta family's "younger brother," which opened two beer gardens in the city. It was born as a new brand inspired by the way social gatherings—with beer, stories, and good music—bring people together and assist them in relaxing and unwinding. GUTA will be consumed with delicious coffee in the mornings to increase energy and focus, and CHILLTA will be consumed after work with good beer, sharp bait, more chill, and the love of life.
As one might expect from a member of the Guta family, the plastic-chair-inspired "A" from the FONTA typeface, created by M — N Associates for the Guta Cafe brand, will be present, though this time it will be joined by a beer-cup-inspired stylized "I" referring to laid-back chill. The space is dominated by a bright yellow serves to reinforce the vibe and overall brand experience. Also, the contrast between the black background and the bright yellow is excellent.
Featuring the chair and Vietnamese diacritical marks, we has developed a custom font named after Guta, FONTA (our font),The font is only for the extension of Guta child brands and special communication tools. After their success on rebranding, Guta has been growing from several stores to nearly 60 stores around the city and opened new child brands like PHỞTA (Phở noodle) or CHỢTA (convenient local store).
GUTA Case Study