KiotViet Connect new logo and visual identity X Bratus
KiotViet Connect
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KiotViet Connect new logo and visual identity X Bratus

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Collab with Bratus
Last updated on
August 22, 2024
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In 2021, KiotViet launched KiotPro, directly addressing the significant challenge Vietnamese retailers faced with efficiently sourcing products, a pain point identified from a detailed 2019 survey. The subsequent rebranding in 2022, orchestrated by Bratus, transformed KiotPro into KiotViet Connect. This change was integral to the brand’s evolution, aligning more closely with its mission within the new branded ecosystem, and emphasizing its role in facilitating connections between retailers and suppliers.

The transition to KiotViet Connect brought with it a more effective naming convention that resonated with both existing and potential users. "Connect" explicitly conveys the service’s core function of linking retailers with a network of quality suppliers, offering a clear value proposition. This nomenclature aligns more closely with the solution-oriented nature of the service, making it immediately apparent what advantages it holds for the user.

Complementing the name change, the rebranding introduced a refreshed visual identity designed to bolster brand recognition and enrich the digital experience. Particularly impactful were the newly designed icons, which not only contributed to a cohesive look and feel but also enhanced usability across digital platforms. These icons, carefully crafted to be intuitive and recognizable, play a crucial role in navigating the service, making the user interface more engaging and accessible.

The introduction of KiotViet Connect, with its thoughtfully considered name and revamped visual identity, underscores the effectiveness of the design in reinforcing KiotViet's commitment to the retail sector. This strategic enhancement of KiotViet's ecosystem through design innovation has solidified the brand's dedication to addressing the challenges faced by retailers, further establishing KiotViet as a key player in supporting retail business growth and efficiency.


Branding Agency: Bratus Agency
Creative Director/Brand Designer: Jimmi Tuan
Project Manager: Hien Nguyen
Project Lead: X.Hoang
Senior Designer: X.Hoang, Nam Nguy
Showcase Direction: Nam Nguy
Visual Animation: Le Quy, Si Tran
Identity Film Story Board: Jimmi Tuan
Identity Film Animation: Si Tran, Le Quy

Special thanks to the KiotViet Project Team
Tran Quynh Hoa - Chief Marketing Officer
Le Vu Phuong Uyen - Marketing Manager
Nguyen Van Nam - Marketing KV Manager
Vu Thanh - Product Design Manager

KiotViet Connect brand evolution
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KiotViet Brand Portfolio and Hierarchy
KiotViet Connect's visual identity and design awards
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Brand name
KiotViet Connect
Consumer Discretionary
Founded year
Vietnam Market Entry
Origin country
Project context
Release date
December 2022
Main colorS