Zalopay new logo and visual identity
PJICO Insurance new logo and visual identity
PHO24 Restaurant Rebranding 2024
Coolmate Rebranding
KOI Thé new logo and visual identity
HiRaw new logo, visual identity and packaging
GHTK (Giao Hang Tiet Kiem) new logo and identity
Saigon South International School (SSIS) new logo and visual identit
Hikari new logo and identity designed
Bat Trang Museum new logo and visual identity
Mondelez Kinh Do new logo and identity
PetChoy Pet Food Rebranding
Hữu Toàn Group new logo and identity
Minh Tien Group new logo and visual identity
STADA Vietnam relaunched as STELLA Pharma
TooCha new logo and identity
KidsPlaza new logo and identity
BoBaPoP tea bar latest logo and visual identity
Maritime Commercial Bank (MSB) new logo and identity
ANGIA new logo and visual identity
Big C hypermarkets rebranded to be GO market
GHN new logo and visual identity (2018)
Leman Jewelry latest logo and identity
Guta cafe latest logo and identity
Ngoc Suong new logo and identity
L'Usine latest logo and identity
Bakes new logo and visual identity
PHỞ24 Restaurant Rebranding
Empire City new logo and visual identity
Hnoss new Logo and identity
Tocotoco new logo and identity
CHILLTA new logo and visual identity
Shadow Lounge logo and visual identity
ICON Sky Lounge new logo and identity
HDBank introduced the Muadee sub-brand
Saigon South International School (SSIS) new logo and visual identit
M Village logo and visual identity
Finhay new logo and identity
Bakes refreshed visual identity 2020
Saigon Casa Café logo and visual identity
BAEMIN food delivery app arrived in Vietnam
BoBaPoP tea bar latest logo and visual identity
Be ride-hailing firm old logo and identity
GHN new logo and visual identity (2018)
LienVietPostBank logo and visual identity
Guru Sports Bar new logo and visual Identity
Bakes new logo and visual identity
Cheese coffee new logo and identity
Ban Viet Bank (Viet Capital Bank) logo and visual identity
PHỞ24 Restaurant Rebranding