Cong's story began in 2007. The franchise's first location was a small café in Hanoi. Today, there are over 60 coffee shops in Vietnam, 5 in South Korea, and 2 in Malaysia. The name “Cộng” is simply taken from the first word of Vietnam’s official name: CỘNG HOÀ XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM (The Socialist Republic of Vietnam). Cong's goal is to evoke imagination and provide customers with a one-of-a-kind emotional experience for Vietnam. In 2016, the logo was updated, which was a wise decision as the prior design's colors had been modified from the original because they were judged improper for the country flag, leaving the business with an unclear logo.
There is a sense of nostalgia for the wartime with umbrella chairs or patterns of colorful blankets in a small space but large enough to provide comfort. You take a sip of coffee (which is well-prepared, lyrical, and... strong), and... there's a lot to see: historical images, model airplanes, and electrical lines held to the wall by little ceramic balls. small, and everything is very simple but alive. These impressions help us remember our predecessors' brave and heroic battles for years to come.