BOO new logo and visual identity X Rice Studios
latest identity

Made in the street

BOO new logo and visual identity X Rice Studios

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Curated by Brandcoat
Last updated on
July 22, 2024

Started as a small skate shop in 2003, BOO grew into an official fashion chain before transforming itself into a major fashion retailer in Vietnam; with 50+ stores and diverse products every year. Through BOO's journey, many sub-brands was lunched for different product lines, later they decided to combine all under only one brand so it grows stronger and earn more market equity and brand recognition and here Rice Studios comes with a comprehensive identity system, with the aim to help BOO stay relevant for the new generation of Vietnamese streetwear lovers.

BOO cloth labeling
BOO cloth labeling

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BOO logo Close up
BOO logo closer look

For BOO, Rice created a comprehensive and heavy-lifting new identity system designed to focus and streamline the brand. Reducing brand assets in order to make them work harder, reorganizing hierarchies to clarify offerings and initiatives, and introducing systems for design and communication, Rice aimed to help BOO stay relevant for the new generation of Vietnamese streetwear lovers.

BOO idintity system
BOO idintity system

BOO brand evolution
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Brand Portfolio and Hierarchy
BOO's visual identity and design awards
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Brand name
BOO Streetwear
Consumer Discretionary
Founded year
Vietnam Market Entry
Origin country
Project context
Release date
March 2019
Main colorS