The lab Saigon new logo, identity and office X in-house
The Lab Saigon
latest identity

Which out from the rats!

The lab Saigon new logo, identity and office X in-house

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July 17, 2024
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The lab Saigon logo
The Lab Saigon logo
We wanted a brand system to highlight the contrast at our core: the sober, often unseen strategy that grounds our work versus the experimentations and collaborations we’re known for. With a simplified logo and stationery set, we went to town on our iconography and unofficial mascot: the (lab) rat. We invited almost every creative in our team and collaborated with outside artists to interpret the rat iconography. This, incidentally, is exactly how we work day to day. And that says more about our “brand” than anything else we could write on these pages.

The Lab reborn case study

The lab saigon website
The lab saigon website

Casual Creativity is our approach to the office (and maybe even our work). It means approaching creativity with function, taste and personality in mind (as opposed to deep philosophy). It's expressed in the everyday, the trees, the activities we have in our flexible space, the work we do, our culture, positive vibes, parties, productivity.

The lab office case study

The Lab Saigon office
The Lab Saigon office
The Lab Saigon blueprint

The Lab Dalat field office in the highlands
The Lab Dalat field office in the highlands


Designers: Ngoc Vo, Jay Vu, TuLe, Ivy Vo, Chloe Dinh, Ngoc Pham, Andree Nguyen, Phong Chac, Alix G, ReoLe, Trang Dinh, Tran Nguyen | Collaborators:@qmaita, @duonggiahieu,, @levioi, @mess.vndtown, @shopthedeadbird | Copywriter: TuanLe | Creative Director: Tuan Le | Associate Creative Director: Nick Hum | Project Managers: Phuong Anh Nguyen, HuyenVo, Khoa Do | Strategist: Ly Tong | Production: Hanh Le, Khoa Do | Photographer: Duong Gia Hieu

[Lab office] Creative Director: Tuan Le | Spatial Designers: Thu Le, Naomi Nguyen, Hung Le | Spatial Designer Support: Tram Dang | Interior Architecture Support: TrietLe, Daniel Arce | Production Director: Nhung Ho | Account Director: Phuong Anh Nguyen | Account Manager: Huyen Vo | Photography: Do Sy | Plants Photography: Kai | Documentation: Tuan Ha | Contractor: Tbd Construction

The Lab Saigon brand evolution
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Brand Portfolio and Hierarchy
The Lab Saigon's visual identity and design awards
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Brand name
The Lab Saigon
Founded year
Vietnam Market Entry
Origin country
Project context
Release date
October 2019
Main colorS